Thursday 21 May 2015

The Newest And Greatest Adventure. Marriage.

Well this is late and over due. I apologize immensely. I have just been so consumed with life and transition writing it all up seemed a bit overwhelming. However, I will not let that stop me. I have been in the UK for just over a week now visiting my beloved, one last time before I apply for my visa I won't be able to travel once I apply. I return to Tennessee on May 30th. So I figured since I had some down time while Nathan was at work what better time to update you all. 

I am sure most of you have heard or read. I AM ENGAGED. I am so excited to finally make this great leap into a new and terrifying adventure with Nathan. He is more than I could have ever of imagined in a Partner for life. We have been through a lot and after 13 months of mostly long distance dating, visiting 5 countries together and seeing each other at our best and worst, there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life getting to know and loving. 

Our wedding is in Tennessee on October 3rd. We will then have a Reception in England on the 17thof October for friends and Family who can not make the trek to the USA. 

I have been back in the Western world for about 5 months now. Working. Saving money. Planning a wedding. All things I thought I would enjoy, but have been surprised at how difficult it has been. Finding my place in my community again, figuring out who my friends really are, how to keep constant intimacy with Jesus, loving my fiancé while on different continents, sending my mom off to live in Israel, and planning a wedding I have no money for. I'm not gonna lie and say I have been soaring with butterflies and rainbows. It has been hell in all honesty. I have been stretched in every possible direction. Broken to an entirely new level.

But in ALL circumstances God has been teaching me to choose joy! Sometimes it seems like the most simple things in life can teach us the deepest lessons. Among choosing joy, also choosing hope! Hope for an amazing future and wedding. Among joy and hope, Faith. Faith for finances, provision, help with life and wedding plans in general. I never thought coming back to america and planning a wedding would stretch my faith box more so than living on the mission field ever did.

I have just 4 more months in America, before moving my entire life to England to settle, even if just for a couple of years. Nathan is the Assistant pastor of a Vineyard Church in Farnham, England. I will join him there until God releases us to our next phase of life. I have no clue what God has in store, but that is usually best right?

Moving to England is a whole new type of mission field for me. The church here in Farnham is very hungry and I know God is ready to pour out His presence in this place. Nathan and I both feel called, for a season, to serve and poor into the church here and see how God uses us and the church to impact the community around.

I am so excited about the move, but also very... well, scared. I have become quite attached to my beautiful home in Tennessee where I will always have family and a community of amazing beautiful people who have supported me through my insane life, and of course warm sunny weather.

For me, my wedding is a time to not only honor my new husband and commit my life to him, but also to honor God for his amazing goodness in my life, and to honor my friends and family and say one last goodbye and thank you to everyone who have supported, cared, and raised me throughout the years. Which is why for the reception I want everyone to feel welcome to come. We may not have enough food or seats, but if you have been apart of my life in any capacity I want to thank you and you are welcome to stop by.

There is still so much to do and Nathan and I could really use any help that is offered. We need $2,000 by June to apply for my visa to move to the UK. Even with saving money each week from my pay check I have only raised half and that leaves no money for our wedding. Flights to America for Nathan and for us returning to England after the wedding are also a high cost. As well as finances for the wedding itself. We have no money saved for our wedding so anything we plan will come out of pocket. We have not asked for wedding gifts as moving them to the UK would be more of a hassle than a blessing. So if you feel at all obliged to donate to our wedding fund we would be extremely grateful any amount is helpful. 

If you would like more information on how you can help or pray for us please email me at or when I am back in the states you can call or text any time! 615-482-0493

Thank you so much to everyone who has been so amazing and supportive. If I can pray for you in anyway please let me know! 

Love and blessings, 

Rachael Michelle

Friday 13 February 2015

Mexico. Visiting David Hogan.

Hey everyone! 

I haven't updated in a while now and I felt I needed to send out an update for mexico!

About a week ago I returned from 10 days of one of the most life changing experiences I have had yet. 

I was given the opportunity back in September of 2014 to be apart of a pioneer team to go visit David Hogan and his ministry in Mexico. The ministry has not had a visiting team in about 15 years and has had 100% of the teams that had come leave before the trip was intended to be over. 

When David Hogan came to speak at Harvest School 20, while I was on staff, he felt God tell him he needed what we had and we (Iris Ministries) needed what what he had. Thus began the journey of preparing a well seasoned team to visit him and his ministry.  

It was a complete honor to be apart of such an incredible amazing team of leaders and world changers. I was totally humbled. 

Now I want to be totally honest with you all about my thought process and how God so completely offended my mind to grab a part of my heart I hadn't been able access until now. That being said please do not jump to conclusions or judge where I was at as I tell the whole honest story.

When we arrived on the ranch, Rancho Liberdade, where the main base of the ministry is as well as David's home it all came as a bit of a shock. All the missionaries who live there (about 7 or 8 families with kids) came to greet us. Stoically they stood behind Hogan with their families as he gave us the welcoming and introductions. He then lead us upstairs where he gave us the more in depth plan and over prepared us for the possible dangers we could get into. 

Excitement was stirring as they divided our team with theirs and sent us in groups of 4 with different families. My group, was put with an amazing couple called Isaac and Hannah and there 3 boys, Landen 10, Luke 7, and Jud who was 1. We packed our bags into Isaac's truck and headed for there home where we dropped our bags then quickly headed out again to have service at a small church about 2 hours away... We had no clue what we were getting ourselves into. 

The reason it was all such a shock was because we didn't understand why it felt as if the women were all so oppressed by the "Macho Man" culture that seemed to be in full display. No jewlery, no make-up, only skirts and t-shirts at all times even in their homes. For a lot of us this felt like a stripping of our God given rights to show our individual personality. It seemed so wrong and we quickly let our minds be offended by the culture of men doing it all and women staying quiet, serving the men, and taking care of the kids. However, there was a greater work playing out that I had yet to see. 

The day to day life of a missionary there is not what most people are looking for when they see the power Hogan and his family walk in. It is a revelation of true humility and sacrifice that the western world just has no grid for. They have gone weeks with no food or money as a family with young kids. They have buried their loved ones and best friends. They have sacrificed simplicity to the fullest amount and completely surrendered their ways for the culture they are ministering to.  

The first 2 days I didn't know why I was there. I was confused and honestly ready to go home. I became prideful in my thinking, saying " maybe I am here for their sake to show the women how they shouldn't be treated the way they are." I began to talk to God and was quickly rebuked for my judgements. He told me " He paid for this trip and I was going to enjoy it no matter what." He asked me to stop judging what I thought was going on and just watch." It didn't take long for me to quickly repent. Over the next several days I watched how well they all loved and how well they all served. God began to show me where I was wrong. He told me "these women have learned real sacrifice and they walk in it everyday. By serving, submitting, and honoring not only the culture, but their husbands as well. They understand sacrifice and really dying to self." 
From then on I sat back and listened, asked questions, and watched as they lived out daily life  and allowed me to follow 
along. I was humbled and in awe.

My group of 4 went with Isaac and Hannah into the mountains to a native family's home, who were missionaries to their own people, to have service with them as well as travel with them further into the mountains to another home where we had another service...

They have over 600 churches they have helped plant within a 6 hour radius to Hogan's ranch and they try to visit each one at least once a month as a ministry. This means services almost every single day, and not necessarily near by. 

One night in the mountains, as we are all sharing a meal before bed the pastor and another native are laughing about something and Isaac begins to translate for us. Isaac said the men were laughing out of joy at how blessed they are because they were remembering times, when they were young, when they had so little and used to eat handfuls of dirt just to fill their stomachs with something. He said the men were glorifying God for how well He takes care of all of us. 
We all just sat in awe as if understanding something for the first time and amazed at these men and what an honor it was to sit in their midst. 

     As a team we got to be apart of a couple of conferences the ministry held with the native people. The first one was cold and freezing and we were fed pig head wrapped in a tortilla. Which we had to eat in order not to offend the natives... Yes after 15 years without eating any meat I had some form of pork, beef, or turkey almost every single day. But if that is all God asks me to do in life, eat some meat in order to love a people group... I'd say I've had it pretty easy. Of course other team members and missionaries helped when they could and the rest of the time God's grace kept the gag reflexes down so I was very blessed. 

The second conference was the most humbling of the two. Our team got to be apart of the integration of a church building in a city that 5 years ago didn't have single Christian inhabitant. David went there with another native pastor handed out two tracks to a couple of drunk guys and was stoned out of the city and 5 years later my team and I get to be apart of history. 

Not to long ago I posted a picture on facebook and Instagram of an older woman on her knees in the church building where the ceremony was being held. The caption read " I have often felt the tangible presence of God, but not so often have I felt the tangible power of God," or something like that.  The real power of God was so strong in that building almost everyone one, over 200 natives, our team, and Hogan's team, was in tears of reverence, almost no one could stand properly, and people were worshiping God on such a deep level as if they were standing right in front of His throne! 

It was so incredible and humbling.... To look at a man, that so many people revere, in tears at the magnitude of the power and greatness of our God.  I have very few words that can even come close to the magnitude of unworthiness I felt to be in that place yet a holy sanctification that you could tangibly feel in the room. 

Those two days of the conference changed my life forever. If I had been stuck in my western mindset of how things should be done and had kept that judgment in my heart I believe I would have missed the very thing God sent me there to receive..... Day after day we heard their stories listened to David Hogan talk about what 40 years of ministry to one people group has brought. We got to plant a stake (the stakes from harvest school that are interceded for, for months and then planted all over the world on extended outreaches) in the ground of the churches and homes and tell a people group that their testimonies have impacted nations around the world. I got to see first hand how a man can raise up a family of believers who follow him into the darkest places. 
      It all came back to three things.... 
1.The amount of time he has spent in prayer. 
2.Reading his bible.
3. Relentless obedience... 

A real relationship with God is not something you want to mess with or be flippant about. It can change your life forever it can make you seem like the craziest person on earth, but it is worth it. We care to much about what other people think of us. When really the people who are the craziest and surrendered are the ones that are looked up to the most. 
I can tell you real Love is not afraid to bleed. 

I will be writing another update soon about where I'm at and what I will be doing for the next year! 

Thank you all to everyone who has supported me and prayed for me... I would not be the woman I am today without you all... I am eternally grateful.


Rachael Michelle Singleton.  

Monday 15 December 2014


29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12: 29-31

Harvest School 21 is officially over. 31 nations have graduated and been sent out into the rest of the world to spread the love and power of God and everything they have received from there time in Africa.

It has been such a huge honor to have been apart of the last 4 Harvest Schools! Creating amazing relationships and seeing God transform lives in front of me, are memories I will never be able to replace. I can not even comprehend the amount I have learned from being apart of the Harvest School staff.

Now I am in Downtown Jackson, Mississippi with a ministry and family called We Will Go Ministries ( I have been given the amazing opportunity to co-lead the Harvest School team with one of my favorite fellow Harvest School Staffers. 

Just to give you an idea of how the outreach has been going. Not an hour after I got off the plane and discovered my luggage hadn't arrived, I was headed to a church service held in a little pavilion behind one the the houses owned by the ministry. After 35 hours of just air time, maybe 4 hours of sleep, and feeling like it was running in the middle of the night because of jet lag, I'm not gonna lie church was the last place I wanted to be. Despite my feelings the service was amazing and afterward we all shared a meal with the neighbors and everyone else who came that day. 

Within the following days as the rest of our team arrives, jet lag slowly disappears, and we all get settled in we discover that this place has the hand of God resting on it like no other place I have been before. It is really difficult to even write the things that happen here on a daily bases because I feel I wouldn't be giving God justice in my mere words.  

In short, we found out that the Sunday I had arrived, A DJ and manager in one of the darkest strip clubs in the Jackson area, had attended the very service I could hardly stay awake in. Not only had he attended, but he received Christ into His heart! This was a man who worked in all kinds of illegal and corrupt buisness, who was vial, who on a nightly bases lead people into sin, and carried no conviction. He was at that very church service receiving Jesus as his Lord and Saviour!!  Then on the following tuesday night the owner of  a chain of strip clubs came to Bible study. As most of the longterm missionaries here in Jackson would say, "you just can't make this stuff up!"  This is just some of the fruits of this place. Some of the fruits of Amy and David Lancaster saying yes to whatever and not relenting on people who are cast off as "to far gone."

We Will Go is a living breathing example of Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" 

Over the last week here my team and I have experienced the real tangible love of God. We have met so many people, heard so many of their stories, and witnessed the heart of God for His people. People who have nothing in the midsts of a country that "has everything," people who have never seen real freedom in a country that is a "free nations," people who have never been heard and are finally given a voice. It has been so amazing to me to be able to just sit down with these men and women, who are no different from you or I, who deserved hell just as I did, hear their stories and just listen. No agenda. We just listened and were amazed at how loved and receptive of that love, they are by just being heard. 

Our time has mostly been spent running to and from projects and following different Staff around in their daily activities doing whatever we can to help. It is a lot, but as a visitor not as hectic as some of our days in Pemba.  My favorite part has been seeing the different programs, but not feeling like you are in the midsts of a program because of how relational and intentional everyone who works here is. 

One of my favorite places is at a YMCA Building that was given to the We Will Go Community for a $1.00 a year for three years! No I didn't miss a decimal place. They have transformed this old building into a 3 day a week youth center where kids ages 5-17 can come and recieve help with homework, be discipled, play games, and get a snack for free. There is also a basketball court for the 18 and uppers to come and play games from 3-5pm Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is beautiful how the staff love the kids so well and handle some really tough situations and see grown men recieve prayer and healing in their bodies!

We do a lot of prayer walking and blessing the neighborhood while here. Today we got visit with a woman named Meghan, who used to live as a longterm missionary here at we will go, but also grew up in this town. The house she had grown up in as a small child is not, but a 5 minute drive from base. After moving to a bigger house when she was 13 her dad had rented out the original house to an elderly lady who lived there until she was unable to take care of herself. 
Once the neighborhood started to decline and become more and more dangerous to live in the house was broken into and became useless and abandoned. Meghan gets married and God begins to show her plans of restoring her inheritance in this town. One day, God, on a prayer drive through town, God directs Meghan back to her old house and she begins to pray for restoration of the old house.  Not to long after that day her dad agrees to inherit her the house and God begins to reveal to her and her husband exactly what He has in store for there new home that they plan to move into as soon God opens the door. It will be called "inheritance House." As a Harvest School team we are given Tent stakes that have been prayed over for 
months by a team of intercessors in TN before they are brought to Africa to be Sent out with the Students to all the nations we go to for outreach!  Today as we were walking through and blessing the ground and walls of this house we felt it was the perfect place to plant a stack. A proclamation of What God was saying. That by a native Mississippian taking back the land of her inheritance God was going to restore not only her family and the house, but the entire neighborhood. They will be a safe haven for all who come into their reach. 
  Cornelia, my co-leader had a dream a few nights earlier of planting a stake underneath one of the abandoned, destroyed houses in the neighborhood. This seemed like a perfect opportunity so in the rain we crawled under the House and planted our first of 2 stakes.    

Some of you are wondering what is next for me. Well If you hear anything let me know. Only joking, sort of. I am still in a lot of prayer about what is next. God has told me my time for now has Harvest School Staff is finished. 

It will be an important time for me to focus on my relationships in this season especially one very important that I have had to fight not to neglect.

On the 21st of December my mom and both my sisters are driving down to Mississippi to visit We Will Go and pick me up. Then on the 24th we will all head to Atlanta to visit my extended family for Christmas. And My intentional pursuer, Nathan, will be flying in from England on the 26th and spend two weeks with me in America for the first time! We will be in Georgia and Tennessee. This is a huge step for us so please keep us in your prayers! 

After Nathan leaves to go back to England, on the 12th of January, I will be heading to Mexico on the 20th with a crazy fiery team of Harvest School staff and alumni. To visit David Hogan, a man who lives by a measure of faith that is not comprehendible to me and most people I know.  It will be an amazing opportunity to learn from some of my heroes in life.  I will be in Mexico in a small village outside of Tampico for 10 days. Finally I will return to my beautiful town of Franklin, Tennessee where I will rest and wait on the Lord for His divine direction!

And that my friends will bring you up to date! I am so expectant of this coming week and the things God still has waiting for me and my team. Please pray for my friends and family here at We Will Go and remember sometimes the mission field is your family or next door neighbour. 

Thank you to those who have been constant in your prayers for me and for those who continue to support me financially. Money is a thing of this world that is a constant faith grower especially for a missionary. 

If you feel lead to support me financially I have a donate button on the top left hand side of my blog page that is linked to my Paypal account. Or you can email me at for other options!

If you feel lead to support me prayerfully just email me there are so many ways I could use prayer!

Thank you all so Much and Happy Holidays! May He who is worthy recieve all the Glory!


Rachael Michelle


Friday 14 November 2014

PEMBA. I am home!

Finally after 3 months I have arrived back in blistering heat of summer in Pemba, Mozambique.
Staffing Harvest School has been a crazy ride this time around. Literally transporting 206 students to three different locations all within one school, most people would say, is insane and it kind of is, but isn't that what a Christian life is suppose to look like? Doing the impossible, the crazy, and insane things. I mean our lives are not meant to look like everyone else, but set apart.
2 weeks in Johannesburg, South Africa living in tents, 3 weeks in Nelspruit, South Africa living on a camp ground in the mountains owned by a Dutch reformed church, and now, finally, Pemba, Mozambique to the poor and the needy.
This Harvest School has been marked for healing and freedom and it is finally time to walk out some of that healing. From RTF (Restoring the Foundations), Father heart ministry (Dealing with Daddy issues), to walking in Prophetic gifting’s!  The students this school are a totally new bread of student. They are mature, aware, and willing to walk out their freedom at whatever cost. It has completely been an honor to walk with this school and seek after the heart of God like never before.

Coming into this season of staffing harvest school 21 I knew it would be my last school in this season. The emotions of it being “the end” hadn't really hit me yet, until one night in class God reminded me of why I was here. To see the dreams of people all around me ignited and to partner with the men and women He chose for this season, on all different walks of life, destiny's fulfilled and to learn and grow and lead as I do. Hunger igniting Hunger. The Lord gave me a vision that night. I saw the Harvest School students worshiping and as they worshiped little flames in there stomachs began to get bigger colors and fragrances began to lift from every person. These colors and smells began to call Angels like a signal. These angels were big, at least 8 foot tall, they came in pairs, one carried a large burlap sack on their backs and the other carried a shovel. I asked the Lord who they were and He said, “they are the coal barriers, they keep the fire burning.” As the angels began to pile into the room they started shoveling coal from their sacks and throwing it into each person causing the presence of Lord to get thicker and thicker.  As the fires grew holes were burned into the ceiling burning away any religious veils keeping us from fully experiencing His uncapped presence. The hunger ignited more hunger captivating an audience unseen. 

Now, finally, being back in Pemba just reminds me all over again how much I love this country and its beautiful people! I don’t know what I am going to do leaving and knowing I will most likely not be returning in 5 months time (the usual time frame between an October and June Harvest school season).  

Poisonous frogs singing from my toilet tank along with the worship music playing, physical healing, financial provision, and salvations, are all part of my daily life as a missionary and a Christian, but I am so hungry for more of Jesus. I have received several prophecies these past several months, all similar in nature, about how 2015 is going to look much different than the previous year. I agree and know it will, but there is never a sure word of what that “different” will look like. I am okay with this, but I am sad knowing I will be thousands of miles away from one of my homes!

I am so excited to be leading outreach to Jackson, Mississippi (, poor back into my own country, to get to lead a team as well as learn from one of my personal heroes in ministry, and get to be with my blood family for Christmas! Praise God!

I am extremely short on finances this time around and I could use all the help I can get for my flights back to America for outreach. I am still in need of about $1,000 dollars. Apparently flying back to America is harder than flying away from it.  
I have been living on donations for the last 4 years and the amount God has provided for me is really astounding. I have been able to live a blessed life as well as been able to bless others with how much He has provided through a lot of you. 
So thank you so much for believing in me and trusting in God’s word on my life. 
MY gratitude will never be able to be spoken in words for there is no word for how grateful I truly am!
I have chosen the life style of a missionary and I am confident in the fact that I will always be a missionary no matter where the Lord sends me and having to trust the Lord even to the last minute (Psalms 46:10) is fully apart of that lifestyle and I know He will always come through because He always has. He is a good Papa.  

I am ready for a whatever the Lord has in store for me next and I pray you all can be apart of it! 
Thank you. I love you. 


Rachael Michelle

Thursday 16 October 2014

A School of Freedom.

Hello All,

Well the weeks have gone by, time has past so fast, and in just a few days Harvest School 21 will be heading into its third week of school. Unbelievable really how busy and consumed I can become.

I have been in Johannesburg South Africa for the past 2 months. Staying at the Iris base, Footprints, falling in love with the kids and the family here. Having to share all of it with 250 more people, after the rest of the staff and all the students arrived, has been difficult.

Now in just 2 short days (on Saturday) we will be moving on to Nelspurit, South Africa, also called White River. Where we will be renting a camp ground to have the next three weeks of Harvest School at Pastor Supresas Sithole's base.
In the past 2 weeks all the staff have been trained by Chester and Betsy Kylstra and there top Directors of development, Dave and Marylin, in RTF (Restoring the Foundations Ministry) Issue Focus training. Also all 220 students have received healing from this Issue focus format! It has been a crazy two weeks, but its amazing how much God has done. In class time we have testimony time and God has brought so much and so many people have been healed of broken hearts and set free from things holding them back! This School is marked for FREEDOM and purity of heart. WHAT a huge honor it has been to learn from the people who founded one of the most influential inner healing programs I have ever wittnessed. I am truly humbled!

Last week it was time to break up into our Color groups and go out on outreach, after all this is still a mission school. We went to 8 different townships. Some of the townships having over 1million people living in complete poverty. My group however, was chosen to walk to the smallest one of all. Literally and appropriately called Tiny Town, only having about 7 families in a small strip of houses not a mile from our base. It took footprints over 6 months to be able to have some kind of relationship with the people in this township to the point of being able to send food and provide pre-school for there little ones. So it definitely was an honor to be able to go and spend time with these families.
We had so much fun while we were there and made immediate connections with these beautiful yet skittish people. We played soccer, we captured a run away pig, handed out sandwiches, prayed with people, cleaned out their community garden and just had community. It was a beautiful time and great break away form base.


After Harvest School I will be returning state side to lead the outreach to the inner city of Jackson Mississippi. We will be going to one of my heroes in life's bases, Mrs. Amy Lancaster of We Will Go ministries. Jackson Mississippi is one of the hardest places in America to live and is absolutely a mission field! If you ever want to learn how to do real missions in America you need to visit this base. Amy and her family exemplify the true meaning of becoming like Jesus. They minister to some of the hardest most stubborn druggies and homeless men and women you will ever meet. And their hearts only grow bigger and bigger. It is such an honor to be able to lead this outreach plus it will put me home for Christmas for the first time in many years!

This is an extremely bitter sweet time for me as things are changing so much. This will be my last Harvest School to staff for a while, but not the end of my involvement with Iris Ministries. After 4 staffing Harvest Schools I think God is finally releasing me into new and wondrous things.

Praise to God alone I was finally able to book my flight to Pemba. Please be praying we are able to get our visas for Mozambique in Nelspurit!

However, I have no tickets to outreach yet and no way home. I have been pricing tickets and the cheapest I have been quoted from Pemba all the way to Jackson is about $1,500 dollars. I know to God this is absolutely nothing. But when you only have $100 left in your account to last you the rest of the month it is a big opportunity to trust the Lord. This is always my favorite part because He always comes through, even if it isn't in the timing I would like.

If you would like to be apart of supporting me and the people I poor into there is a donate button at the top of my blog page that will direct you to my paypal account. Or you can email me or facebook me directly and I can give you the other options.

Thank you so much to those of you who have been ket supporters of me and the places God takes me!
I wouldn't be where I am today without you!

Love & Blessings,
Rachael Michelle

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Preparation. Family. Birthdays.


I am doing great and having so much fun here in South Africa! Lots and lots of preparations are underway for Harvest School 21. A lot of Manual Labor, but I am loving the work! The FootPrints base I am staying at, which is also an Iris base, is an amazing family that really encourages everyone to take initiative on projects and lead, even if they have no prior experience. The kids that live on this base are not orphans, but actually believe they are sons and daughters and act as a family.

Along with all the large amount of Harvest School 21 preparations, I have also been helping cook meals for the entirety of the base, helping take care of the 2 horses that were recently given to the base, teaching P.E class for the kids, and really having a lot of fun with this new family.

I was able to celebrate my 23rd Birthday here in SA and I had an amazing birthday! Prophetic words in the morning, Thai food for supper, Gelato, and a homemade strawberry with lemon icing cake made just for me! I felt so honored and loved.
Looking back on the last several years I have given my life fully to God I am so humbled to be able to say that I have been to 23 nations by the time I turned 23 years of age! That is only God and I can not wait to see where He takes me next!

Soon the rest of the Harvest School staff will arrive, meetings will begin and before we know it students will be arriving on sight! It is crazy to think that in just under three weeks 200 students will be flooding the base and my last Harvest School for a while will be underway!

As I have said in a previous blog this school will look a little different the first two weeks of school we will be in Johannesburg, then we will be moving on north to Nelsperuit for three weeks, and finally home to Pemba for the remainder month of school before we send out our amazing world changers to the many different nations on outreach!

Now I am not paid for what I do and as always, I will have to provide all of my own transport for this School.
Including the outreach to Mississippi, I am leading after school, I will need about $2,500 alone just for travel!
If you feel lead to financially support me in anyway please send me and email or Facebook message me and I will let you know the ways you can support me. Also at the top of my blog page there is a donate button that puts money straight into my paypal account! I am sorry I do not have a tax deductible option at this time, but I am working on one for the future!

I also need spiritual covering! So if you are willing to pray for me and would like a more specific list of things to pray for please email me and I will update you more often on specific prayer requests!

Thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me so much! You and God have gotten me this far and I couldn't be more grateful!

Love & Blessings,

Rachael Michelle Singleton

Wednesday 27 August 2014


Dear friends and Family,

I have been in Israel for the past several weeks now. I am so blessed to have been able to get this opportunity. So I thank all of you who played a part in getting me here.

I know God knew that I needed some rest after Harvest School 20 with all the weight and craziness it carried.

It has been a beautiful time of rest and opportunity to get to spend time with the Man-Friend, Nathan.
Nathan also has had the opportunity to meet my mother, who is on outreach after Harvest School here in Israel. For him to finally meet her in person ended up being a lot more important to me than I thought it was going to be.
Spending time with my mom was really great. As well as being able to see her heart for this place in her own element and what excites her.

 I have been staying in a Hostel Called Beit Immanuel, in Tel Aviv, near some friends and near to the Jews for Jesus flat where Nathan had been staying. Being able to just be, sit, explore, and get to know Nathan even better has been unreal. I feel so honoured to have this time.

We have been able to visit Jerusalem 3 times and to go to the wailing wall and I was totally wrecked by the power of God and prayer in that place. I became so hungry for the weighty presence of God to surround me all the time no matter where I am like it did there. After all the veil has been torn and He is that close.

In just one more day I head back to Johannesburg where I will be waiting for Harvest School 21 to begin. It will be my last Harvest School to staff for a while. A bitter sweet thought for sure.

When I first arrived to Israel I was a wreck. Incredibly emotional, in a bad way, and longing for rest. I can say that leaving Israel I am closer to being ready for the next phase in this journey. It is a good thing I have a bit more time before that starts.
Staffing Harvest School this time around is going to be a whole new experience and adventure waiting to happen. There is definitely a lot of pros and cons involved in staffing and at times the cons seem to out rule the pros, but God is always faithful in reminding me why I have done what I have for so long and why I keep coming back. Relationship, growth, being able to see people, from so many different nations, step into a love affair with the One who is worthy!

As of right now I am signed up and very excited to lead the Mississippi outreach to We Will Go Ministries after the Harvest School 21. This may actually put me in America for the Holidays! Praise the Lord. I used to hate, well not hate, I used to be very indifferent about the Holidays, but now I often find myself looking forward to any excuse to see family. What can I say community living has wrecked me!

As always a lot of financial provision is needed in this season coming. All together, mostly for flights and a few a buses, I am going to need around $2,500 this will hopefully help me purchase airfare from Johannesburg to Pemba, Pemba to Johannesburg, and Johannesburg to Mississippi! The buses are for travel within South Africa.

If you would like to help financially there is a donate button on my blog connected to paypal or you can email me directly and I can give you more information as to how you can send me money.

However, most importantly I need your prayers! Having a spiritual covering is the most important thing for me right now. If you would like to commit to praying for me let me know and I can keep you updated on personal prayer requests!

Love and Blessings,

Rachael Michelle