Friday 14 November 2014

PEMBA. I am home!

Finally after 3 months I have arrived back in blistering heat of summer in Pemba, Mozambique.
Staffing Harvest School has been a crazy ride this time around. Literally transporting 206 students to three different locations all within one school, most people would say, is insane and it kind of is, but isn't that what a Christian life is suppose to look like? Doing the impossible, the crazy, and insane things. I mean our lives are not meant to look like everyone else, but set apart.
2 weeks in Johannesburg, South Africa living in tents, 3 weeks in Nelspruit, South Africa living on a camp ground in the mountains owned by a Dutch reformed church, and now, finally, Pemba, Mozambique to the poor and the needy.
This Harvest School has been marked for healing and freedom and it is finally time to walk out some of that healing. From RTF (Restoring the Foundations), Father heart ministry (Dealing with Daddy issues), to walking in Prophetic gifting’s!  The students this school are a totally new bread of student. They are mature, aware, and willing to walk out their freedom at whatever cost. It has completely been an honor to walk with this school and seek after the heart of God like never before.

Coming into this season of staffing harvest school 21 I knew it would be my last school in this season. The emotions of it being “the end” hadn't really hit me yet, until one night in class God reminded me of why I was here. To see the dreams of people all around me ignited and to partner with the men and women He chose for this season, on all different walks of life, destiny's fulfilled and to learn and grow and lead as I do. Hunger igniting Hunger. The Lord gave me a vision that night. I saw the Harvest School students worshiping and as they worshiped little flames in there stomachs began to get bigger colors and fragrances began to lift from every person. These colors and smells began to call Angels like a signal. These angels were big, at least 8 foot tall, they came in pairs, one carried a large burlap sack on their backs and the other carried a shovel. I asked the Lord who they were and He said, “they are the coal barriers, they keep the fire burning.” As the angels began to pile into the room they started shoveling coal from their sacks and throwing it into each person causing the presence of Lord to get thicker and thicker.  As the fires grew holes were burned into the ceiling burning away any religious veils keeping us from fully experiencing His uncapped presence. The hunger ignited more hunger captivating an audience unseen. 

Now, finally, being back in Pemba just reminds me all over again how much I love this country and its beautiful people! I don’t know what I am going to do leaving and knowing I will most likely not be returning in 5 months time (the usual time frame between an October and June Harvest school season).  

Poisonous frogs singing from my toilet tank along with the worship music playing, physical healing, financial provision, and salvations, are all part of my daily life as a missionary and a Christian, but I am so hungry for more of Jesus. I have received several prophecies these past several months, all similar in nature, about how 2015 is going to look much different than the previous year. I agree and know it will, but there is never a sure word of what that “different” will look like. I am okay with this, but I am sad knowing I will be thousands of miles away from one of my homes!

I am so excited to be leading outreach to Jackson, Mississippi (, poor back into my own country, to get to lead a team as well as learn from one of my personal heroes in ministry, and get to be with my blood family for Christmas! Praise God!

I am extremely short on finances this time around and I could use all the help I can get for my flights back to America for outreach. I am still in need of about $1,000 dollars. Apparently flying back to America is harder than flying away from it.  
I have been living on donations for the last 4 years and the amount God has provided for me is really astounding. I have been able to live a blessed life as well as been able to bless others with how much He has provided through a lot of you. 
So thank you so much for believing in me and trusting in God’s word on my life. 
MY gratitude will never be able to be spoken in words for there is no word for how grateful I truly am!
I have chosen the life style of a missionary and I am confident in the fact that I will always be a missionary no matter where the Lord sends me and having to trust the Lord even to the last minute (Psalms 46:10) is fully apart of that lifestyle and I know He will always come through because He always has. He is a good Papa.  

I am ready for a whatever the Lord has in store for me next and I pray you all can be apart of it! 
Thank you. I love you. 


Rachael Michelle

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